Brand: Sedona Orgone Vortex
This large super powerful ASG dome includes Green Calcite, Kyanite, Rhodizite, Shungite, Selenite , Black tourmaline, with two copper orgonite filled cylinders, crushed quartz, real gold flake, and iron oxide. Green calcite is a mental healer, dissolving rigid beliefs and old programs and restoring balance to the mind. It's a powerful stimulator for the immune system and rids the body of infections. It's green ray cools fevers and infections. Shungite is found in only one place on earth, Lake Onega area of Karelia, Russia. Shungite is a miracle mineral! This stone eliminates and absorbs all that imposes a hazard but concentrates and restores all that are healthy for a human being. Shungite is a revolutionary shielding device for harmful electromagnetic radiation from computers, microwave ovens, TV sets, mobile phones etc. Rhodizite is a truly positive energy stone that never needs to be cleared or charged. It is known as the Master Crystal. It is very helpful for meditation. Madagascar Shamans are said to use rhodizite for "cloud busting" and initiating rain. Energetically, rhodizite is very powerful for unlocking and clearing blockages, and activating all the chakras. Physically, rhodizite is helpful for cancer, tissue inflammation, cellular diseases, pH balance in the body, stabilizing brain function, and is an excellent energy booster for all types of healing. These small crystals have a natural dodecahedron shape. They are little "fire balls" of energy. Selenite crystals are said to connect with the light body, or the higher spirit. With an extremely fine vibrational energy, it is a very spiritual stone, attracting guidance and an awareness of the angelic consciousness. For those interested in attuning to a higher vibration through meditation, selenite is a very useful stone. It's a self cleansing crystal and said to assist in judgment and insight, clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture. 4.5 inch base and 4.5 inches high.