Brand: Guerilla Prayer Flags
This is our 'Atheist' prayer flag, in honor of science and the great visionary educator, Carl Sagan, who said, "For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love." -proving that there really does not have to be any conflict between faith and fact. Both contain great knowledge and even greater mystery. That quote is on this prayer flag, as well as others from Carl Sagan: "The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were all made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff." "Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality." "There are as many atoms in a single strand of your DNA as there are stars in a typical galaxy. We are, each of us, a little universe." "If you want to make apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe." "We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." "Atoms are mostly empty space, Matter is composed chiefly of nothing." "Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. if a person disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies you will not find another." "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin These prayer flags are made in a small shop in Juarez, Mexico. The women in our shop take tremendous pride in producing the best quality prayer flags available at a modest price. Our workshop is part of a community development project run by the Sisters of Charity (, for families with special needs children and ALL of our proceeds go directly to the people making the prayer flags. Each strand of prayer flags consists of nine panels, each 6"-5", and the strand is approximately 54" long.